The Weber CTC is working to prevent youth substance use and suicide in our community. Included in the coalition are parents, grandparents, religious leaders, school personnel, law enforcement, local government, youth, healthcare, and youth-serving organizations.
Communities That Care guides communities through an evidence-based five-phase process. Using prevention science as its base, CTC promotes healthy youth development, improves youth outcomes, and reduces problem behaviors. (communitiesthatcare.net)
The name of this coalition is the Weber Communities That Care Coalition (Weber CTC). Agencies and citizens from Eden, Liberty, Harrisville, Huntsville, North Ogden, and Pleasant View cities (the Weber Cone) are represented in this coalition.
The geographical area is the Weber School Districts' boundaries drawn for Weber High School. These boundaries include all or part of the following cities: Eden, Liberty, Harrisville, Huntsville, North Ogden, and Pleasant View (Weber Cone).
The General Membership of this Coalition is open to those individuals, agencies, organizations, or government entities that support the mission and goals of the Coalition. Membership is without regard to gender, race, color, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
Membership will include representation from the community that mirrors the demographics of the Weber cone. Membership shall include but is not limited to the following community sectors: Youth, Parents, Business, Media, Schools/Education, Organizations Serving Youth, Law Enforcement Agencies, Religious/Fraternal Organizations, Civic and Volunteer Groups, Health Care Professionals, State, Local, Government and Agencies with Expertise in the field of Substance Abuse, Other Organizations involved in reducing substance abuse, and any other organization and individuals involved in promoting healthy lifestyle choices as appropriate.
WCTC is represented by individuals and agencies, who work, attend school, or reside in the Weber Cone. WCTC member agencies may have unlimited representation in the General Membership of the Coalition.
The role of the General Membership is to participate in workgroups, and task-forces and, if desired, serve on the Community Board. Coalition members are expected to assume an active role in committee work and attend committee meetings on a regular basis. Expectations of individual members are outlined and agreed upon as indicated with signature on the Coalition Involvement Agreement form.
United Way of Northern Utah serves as the Fiscal Agent for Weber CTC, providing financial management and support for the program.

Find your CTC
Communicties that Care organizations operate in geographical locations called "Cones". There are 5 Cones, located within Weber County. Find a neighboring Cone close to you by referencing our color coded map and visit their website's below.